
Why should I care

  • it is estimated that 2 in 3 children in Uganda suffer from deprivation of nutrition, health, water, education or shelter
  • National demographic data from 2020 reveal that 56% of married women aged 15-49 reported having suffered physical and/or sexual violence by a husband
  • About 45% of primary school children drop out before completing their education. Secondary school: 30% of secondary school children drop out before completing their education. Girls: Girls are more likely to drop out of school than boys

How you can Help

  • We want to do more and you can help. By committing a small fraction of your income to protect children in need, you can help save a child and contribute to humanity. You can donate as low as 10 USD per month.
  • While Clearways appreciates monthly donations more where you choose to donate a small fixed amount monthly for us to be able to plan our programs for longer term, a single donation can also help with our Causes.